Financing the innovative project through the Call for Proposals “Innovation Vouchers for SMEs”
Project entitled “Innovative Cloud Power System Simulator – iSIMELEC” (KK.
Studio Elektronike Rijeka Ltd. (STER) has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka on the provision of services for the creation of an innovative platform, co-financed by STER through the call „Innovation Vouchers for SME’s“ (KK., based on the Voucher Granting Agreement in the process of granting non-refundable funds for projects financed from the OP Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020, signed by STER with the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts for implementation of the project „Innovative Cloud Power System Simulator – iSIMELEC“ (KK.
Short description of the project:
The innovative simulator will enable modelling and work simulation of electric power system in Cloud (iSIMELEC), while using the architecture platform WAMSTER for collecting and visualizing data from synchronized phasor measurement units. For the purpose of upgrading the platform and developing sequential solutions and applications in the electricity sector, the aim of the project is to define parameters of the grid model and create a mathematical model of the power system, to collect data on the network topology and the operating status of the system, to create the system observability and measurement redundancy analysis, to process measurement errors and to determine electricity-voltage conditions.
Goals and expected results:
The realization of the project will improve R&D capabilities of the company and open up the possibility for development of complex algorithms and applications based on synchronized phasor measurement technology in the field of power system management, which presents one of the future directions of development and upgrading of the existing range of products and services of the company, in order to avoid system breakdowns often seen in the world over the last two decades, which will result in interruptions in delivery of electricity alongside significant losses.
Total value of the project:
105.000,00 kn
Amount co-financed by the European Union (70%):
73.500,00 kn
Period of project implementation:
08/2019 -11/2019
Contact person:
Vedran Grudenić,
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