WAMSTER Synchrophasor Measurement System
WAMSTER System extends the standard synchrophasor WAMS network with extensions which allow continuous waveform recording and harmonics measurements to be transmitted from compatible STERPMU devices.
PMU devices come in two forms: portable handheld PMU units, suitable for quick installation in temporary measurement campaigns, and rack-mounted PMU units, suitable for permanent installation.
WAMSTER Data Concentrator provides a SaaS, web-based platform for data acquisition and analysis. Combined with the STERPMU’s ability to send data over the mobile network, it allows ad-hoc WAMS deployment scenarios without any additional infrastructure requirements.
STER Welding Monitor
STER Welding Monitor System consists of a portable, handheld welding measurement unit, capable of measuring up to 4 single ended inputs
(common welding ground) voltages and 4 welding currents simultaneously.
Default printing unit included with the system contains 4 separate dot-matrix printers in a robust Peli case, allowing simultaneous printouts of 4 separate welding points using a single STERWeld device.

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